Who We Are
We do our best to support you
Our agency specializes in matching job seekers with the right employers and job opportunities. We understand that job searching can be stressful and overwhelming, but we're here to help make the process easier for you.
We work with a wide range of industries and companies, including administrative, customer service, warehouse, and skilled trades. Our goal is to connect you with job opportunities that match your skills, experience, and career goals.
- Personalized approach: We take the time to understand your unique strengths and career aspirations, and match you with job opportunities that align with them.
- Expert guidance: We provide expert guidance throughout the job searching and hiring process, from resume writing to interview preparation.
- Accessibility: We're committed to making our services accessible to everyone, regardless of background or experience level.
- Advisor
- Agency
- Business
- Consultant
- Counseling
- Effective Management
- HR
- Human Resource Management
- Human
- Resource
- job
- Management
- Recruiting
- Recourse management
Our Services and Solutions
What we have
Why choose our
International Business Consulting
Venturing into international markets requires strategic insights. German Traum provides expert international business consulting services, guiding you through the intricacies of global markets, regulatory landscapes, and cultural nuances. Let our consultants be your compass in the journey of international business expansion.
German Courses:
Our German courses are meticulously crafted to not just teach the language but to immerse you in the cultural intricacies of Germany. Whether you're a professional seeking career growth or an entrepreneur eyeing the German market, language proficiency is the gateway, and we provide the key.
International Recruiting:
Our international recruiting services transcend geographical boundaries. Access a global pool of talent to bring diversity and expertise to your team. Whether you're seeking niche skills or expanding your workforce, our recruiting experts identify and bring on board the best-suited candidates for your organization.
HR Management
Efficient HR management is the heartbeat of a thriving organization. German Traum offers comprehensive HR solutions, from recruitment to employee engagement strategies. Let us handle the complexities of human resource management while you focus on driving your business forward.
Feedback from People
Mevludin Fetai
I punësuar në GjermaniFaleminderit Geman Traum
Dikur vetem një ënder një koncept, një fjalë, një dëshirë për të qenë sa më afer shtetit Gjerman.
Por sot, falë German Traum fjalët e mësipërme ngelen si të tilla, pasi që GT kujdeset që kjo ëndër të mos ngel gjat si e tillë duke mundësuar realizimin sa më të shpejt të saj.
Andaj me GT trupi ndjek gjithmonë ëndrën me një hap më të shpejt se gjithmon,
Danke für alles!
I punësuar ne GjrmaniFalemenderit per punen e palodheshme vlla.
Kam nje mesazh per te gjith.
Kush do qe endra e tij te behet realitet vetem German Traume e realizon ate.
E punësuar në GjermaniMirdita Sara desha tet falemenderj per te gjith mundin qe e ke dhe ne pergatitjet dhe dola me sukses.
E kisha dhen testin… Lejla jam… Te falemenderoj shum jam e kenaqet nga ju gjith…